Skincare Routine for Mild Acne-Prone Skin

If you were ever told blemishes and breakouts would end with adolescence, only for them to follow you into adulthood, you’re not alone. Many people experience pimples and blackheads  throughout their lives, but developing a skincare routine to support this skin type  can make all the difference. If you want to learn how to create a skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin we’ve got you covered with our 6-step regimen. We’ve assembled this article to help you discover what skincare products are good for mild acne-prone skin and how to implement them.

What is mild acne-prone skin and the causes

Acne-prone skin is more than just the occasional pimple. This skin issue is associated with frequent breakouts and excess sebum production, skin oil that makes its way to skin surface through pores. Sebum and other debris can build up, clogging pores and leading to blemishes. In terms of what causes acne, other factors can also influence it, including:

Overactive oil glands
Clogged pores
Hormonal changes
Lifestyle habits

If your skin is prone to blemishes like blackheads and pimples, establishing a skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin can help support a clearer complexion. Read on to learn our 6-step skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin.

Your 6-step acne-prone skincare routine


When it comes to building a mild acne-prone skincare routine, it can be beneficial to include some exfoliating products to help purify pores and support oil control. Sun protection practices and moisture boosting products can also contribute to the look of healthy skin. 

A skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin can be structured like this:

1. Cleanse 
2. Exfoliate 
3. Mask
4. Serum
5. Moisturise 
6. SPF 


Step 1: Cleanse

Cleansing the skin daily is the first key step in a skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin. If you deal with blemishes and breakouts on the regular, an exfoliating face wash designed to be gentle enough for daily use can be beneficial.

The Pure Active Charcoal Cleansing Gel is a mild cleanser formulated to remove excess oils and impurities.

If blackheads are a concern, the Pure Active Anti-Blackhead Charcoal Exfoliating Gel supports skin by unclogging pores with a combination of ingredients to exfoliate physically and chemically.

Step 2: Exfoliate

There are many factors that may lead to breakouts, but excess sebum production is a common factor. While some gentle exfoliants can be used frequently, it might be helpful to deeply purify the pores by implementing a more powerful exfoliant once a week or so. Enriched with mineral zinc and clay, the Pure Active 3 in 1 Wash, Scrub & Mask can be used as a scrub to reduce the appearance of large pores, fight blemishes and leave a mattified complexion.

Step 2: Mask

When learning how to create a skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin, a weekly mask designed to target this skin concern can help to support a clearer complexion.

Target your T-zone with the Pure Active Charcoal Anti-Blackhead Peel Off Mask. Enriched with natural origin charcoal and salicylic acid, this mask aims to remove dirt and debris from clogged pores.

Infused with LHAs to help tighten enlarged pores, and hyaluronic for hydration, the Pure Charcoal Hyaluronic Acid Black Algae Pore Tightening Sheet Mask refines and refreshes skin.


Step 3: Serum

In terms of what skincare products are good for mild acne-prone skin, serums can allow you to customise your skincare routine with formulas packed full of targeted ingredients. Our favourite serum for addressing blemishes and breakouts is the Pure Active AHA+BHA Charcoal Anti-Blemish Serum. Powered by niacinamide, this serum is formulated to help comfort mild acne-prone skin by supporting post-acne pigmentation and oil regulation and diminishing the appearance of pores. Apply the fast-absorbing formula in the morning or evening after cleansing or use to target spots when needed.


Step 4: Moisturiser

It’s a common myth that people with an oily skin type should skip moisturiser. In reality, oily skin routines  should include a well formulated moisturiser each day to help maintain balanced skin. Try using our deeply hydrating Skin Active Hyaluronic Aloe Hydrating Day Jelly Moisturiser as part of your mild acne-prone skincare routine. Enriched with aloe vera for a comforting effect, hyaluronic acid for non-greasy hydration and a lightweight jelly texture to support clearer skin.


Step 5: Morning SPF

An AM and PM skincare routine for mild acne-prone skin will include slightly different steps because your skin has different needs at certain times of day. In the morning, sun protection is an important component of any skincare routine. Sun exposure without the protection of SPF leaves the skin vulnerable to UV radiation, which can lead to visible signs of skin ageing, and impact discolouration and marks. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C skincare can also protect skin from daily agressors, and you can also opt for SPF infused makeup like certain BB cream formulas for sun protection


Keen to learn more about preventing blemishes? Read up on everything you need to know about the link between oil and blackheads.